How Much Should a Cat Weigh?

Overweight cat laying down

Whether you’ve just adopted your first kitten or you’ve had your furry friend for years, you might be wondering “Just how heavy should my cat be?” Since weight can vary so much by breed, it’s a good idea to ask your vet about weight guidelines and feeding recommendations for your specific animal. Most cats fall around 10 pounds at a healthy weight, but a small breed may be healthy at 5 pounds and a larger breed may top the scales at 25 pounds! In between vet visits, we’ll walk you through some easy ways to keep an eye on your cat’s weight.

Why Does Weight Matter?

When your cat is hovering by the treat canister, it’s easy to toss them a few extra goodies. But too many calories can slowly add up to extra pounds, and that can cause extra stress on the body. Overweight cats have a higher risk of conditions like diabetes, pancreatitis, arthritis, and skin and joint problems. On the other hand, a healthy diet with lots of cat-friendly activities can help your furry friend live a long and comfortable life that they deserve!

Overweight cat sitting down

How Heavy Should My Cat Be?

Weight gain in pets can occur subtly over the years, so it’s good to pay attention to your cat’s weight from time to time. Here are a few visual and physical cues that you can use when spending time with your pets:

  • Underweight: Underweight cats are visibly skeletal with ribs, vertebrae, and pelvis showing. The abdomen is concave and the body feels bony to the touch.
  • Overweight: Overweight cats have a rounded abdomen with folds on the flanks. You may be able to feel the ribs covered by a layer of fat, or you might not be able to feel the ribs at all.
  • Ideal Weight: The ribs are not visible, but easily felt to the touch. The waist is visible, but not exaggerated, and the abdomen is smoothly curved inward from the chest.

Need to schedule an appointment with a Veterinarian?

Please contact Springbrook Animal Care Center.